Investment Portfolios
From Australian and international equities to high growth and responsible options, Ord Minnett has a selection of portfolios to cater to your investment or Superannuation needs.
Our Approach
Identifying small and large quality stocks trading below their inherent value is what our investment analysts continually strive to do for clients. These analysts from our in-house research team build, manage and continually review our seven investment portfolios.
Ord Minnett’s portfolios cater to diverse financial goals and risk tolerances, providing distinct opportunities in Australian core equities, emerging companies, listed interest-rate securities, international equities and responsible investing, as well as multi-asset solutions.
Ord Minnett’s Investment Portfolios
Australian Core Equities Portfolio
A portfolio for investors seeking the long-term growth potential of Australian companies for a steady dividend income, with a large amount of franking credits, while being comfortable with some investment risk.
Here’s what this portfolio offers:
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Australian Emerging Companies Portfolio
If you’re looking for outsized returns from smaller companies, the Ord Minnett Australian Emerging Companies Portfolio might be your launchpad. This portfolio is designed for investors seeking to harness the growth potential of Australia’s rising stars.
Here’s what sets this portfolio apart:
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Australian Listed Interest Rate Securities Portfolio
This portfolio’s objective is to outperform the Bank Bill Index over a three-year period. It generates a reliable income stream from a portfolio of quality listed interest rate securities, while striving to preserve (and grow where appropriate) the capital value of the portfolio.
The portfolio is designed with the following characteristics:
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Responsible Equities Portfolio
Suppose you want to make money while making a positive impact. In that case, the Ord Minnett Responsible Equities Portfolio lets you align your investments with your values while seeking long-term growth and income.
This portfolio is designed for you if:
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International Equities Portfolio
Are you looking to diversify your portfolio beyond Australian shores? The Ord Minnett International Equities Portfolio unlocks access to promising companies in major global markets.
Here’s what this portfolio offers:
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Multi-Asset Balanced Portfolio
Are you seeking consistent wealth creation without assuming too much risk? The Ord Minnett Multi-Asset Balanced Portfolio might be your perfect compass. This actively managed portfolio strategically blends income generation and capital growth, catering to investors with a medium to long-term outlook.
Why choose this portfolio?
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Explore which of our portfolios best suit your needs
Insights that count
Discover the best opportunities to outperform the market. Our research team dig deep into the market, company and stock data to bring you insights others might overlook.
Rio Tinto (RIO) – Lithium Lover
Rio Tinto engages in exploring, mining, and processing mineral resources worldwide.
Breville Group (BRG) – Returns to recover
Breville Group designs, develops, markets, and distributes small electrical kitchen appliances in the consumer products industry in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Asia Pacific.
Wisetech Global Limited (WTC) – Going forward
WiseTech Global Limited engages in the development and provision of software solutions to the logistics execution industry in the Americas, the Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.